The Benefits of the Common Platform

Close the Curtain Faster

The hoisting solution engineered for the AOL-Time Warner Building advanced the concept of the Common Platform opening the door for innovative hoisting solutions on contemporary projects. Hoists are necessary to lift materials and personnel as the building rises, but they can also hinder the timely completion of the project if they take up too much building frontage, inhibiting the crews ability to “close the curtain” so that interiors can be completed. The Common Platform solves that problem with up to 6 cars running off one 15’x15’ platform, consolidating use of space and thereby greatly accelerating production time.

UBS Common Platform PodBenefits include:

• The Common Platform gets assembled at ground level greatly reducing “time in the tower at height risk.”
• A crane picks up and raises the Common Platform pod to the setback floor.
• The Common Platform gets stacked on top of the existing hoist tower and gets tied to the structure.
• Multiple hoist cars can be clustered in one location to improve efficiency.
• Up to 6 cars can operate off one 15’x15’ Common Platform greatly reducing the building frontage taken up by hoisting cars.
• Common Platform ties can be coordinated with the final building facade installation while hoists remain in place and operational.
• There is a minimum impact on the building façade as it can be tied through the windows giving access through very small openings.
• Interiors can be finished earlier in the construction process.
• The Common Platform system is modular—able to be engineered for custom sizes with varying car configurations.
• It is flexible and easy to install.